Tuesday, 14 of January of 2025

Tag » tour guide

BC Wild Bears And Their Defenders

     A poet in our warriorpoet online community is a tour guide of giant grizzly habitat in the wild’s of British Columbia. His name is Kiff Archer and you can read about the tours he offers here: bearcoasttours.com.

Sadly, trophy hunters are severely eliminating the hope of the Grizzly’s future by falsifying scientific data, as well as ignoring economic data that show eco-tours that peacefully visit bears generate way more revenue than trophy hunts that kill bears.

Most recently a huge area where bears were free from hunters has been opened up for killing. A month ago Kiff wrote:

Two Weeks Til Killing Sprees.

Protecting Bears lives.
Hearts just like ours.
Regardless of whys.
Their final hours.

Chilco Bears about to die.
Can’t help feeling inside.
Trophy killing guys.
Sauntering sunshine crimes.

The whole world cries.
For ancients eyes.
Those close by.
and from cities fly.

Old memories abound.
Bear caves underground.
Leaving scents behind.
Great Bears friends arrive.


To learn more: “There is strong opposition from many indigenous groups, which have renewed calls for the government to respect tribal laws that ban the hunt on their traditional territories. They are not alone – recent poll data suggests that 80-90% of citizens in the province, including hunters who target other species, oppose the trophy hunt.”

Also: “The government claims that the decision to open the hunt and the kill quotas are ‘science-based’ but as Kyle Artelle writes, science doesn’t get a look in – and the Grizzlies’ are in serious danger.”

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