Weekly Poems for Warriorpoets 5
Click Here for Quote of the Week: http://blog.armedwithvisions.com/quote-of-the-week
Mark Williams – Coyote and the Full Moon
“It was nighttime, getting cooler and I’d been drawn out of the house by the bonfire
Coyote lit in the middle of my cul-de-sac. “The neighbors will complain,” I said. “I sure hope so,” Coyote said” http://armedwithvisions.com/2013/03/05/mark-williams-coyote-and-full-moon/
Gary Snyder – Piute Creek
“A million summers, night air still and the rocks warm. Sky over endless mountains. All the junk that goes with being human drops away, hard rock wavers even the heavy present seems to fail this bubble of a heart. Words and books like a small creek off a high ledge gone in the dry air.” http://armedwithvisions.com/2013/11/19/gary-snyder-piute-creek/
B.J. Elzinga – Remembering the Dead
“In the forest smell of fresh cuts overpowers the stench of humanity. Rings attest a longevity beyond human endurance. How long have these gentle giants stood strong and proud? What have they seen? As another truck screeches by eyes focus on flat bed. Tears, like sawdust, fly.” http://armedwithvisions.com/2012/03/13/b-j-elzinga-remembering-the-dead/
mlw – untitled
“I think of my degree from the school that wants to cut down its oaks. The school with the extinct California grizzly on its football helmets.” http://armedwithvisions.com/2013/01/24/mlw-untitled/
Duff – Bison Release Poem
“All I think about are bison. I have watched them die. They crowd out other thoughts
sweeping in hordes darkening the horizons of my plain mind, trampling me. I am grazed now, bison, I am trampled. Go now, to other horizons and I will recover for you. I release you from the park of my psyche.” http://armedwithvisions.com/2012/05/30/duff-bison-release-poem/
Michael Adams – Transformation
“Sometimes in snow he glimpses the two-footed tracks of those still upright, stands on hind legs, drawn to them. Then remembers– the close, warm den berries, fish, crystal streams. They’ve stopped calling, his teeth are strong, he eats the inner bark of pines and raspberries. His coat is full and soft.” http://armedwithvisions.com/2012/11/08/michael-adams-transformation/
To sustain and inspire all this please send ecopoetry books and $tuff to:
Warriorpoets c/o Deane Rimerman PO Box 2640 Oly, WA. 98507
Find all our poems here: http://armedwithvisions.com