Thursday, 6 of February of 2025

Song & Poem by Brian D. Tripp

“This video clip was commissioned by American Rivers in order to communicate some of the reasons for dam removal to Legislators and decision makers in D.C. Since these folk generally have short attention spans, and limited time – we kept it to 10 minutes. It only scratches the surface, and does not attempt to delve into the complexities of the Klamath River Basin Restoration Agreement.

The fact that stakeholders and agencies and conservation groups have gotten together to work out a solution is more than “Kumbaya” – it represents a shift from endless battling to seeking solutions – namely the removal of the 4 lowermost dams on the Klamath River.


For more views of Klamath river basin, dams and blocked habitats go: here.

Dam removal is the keystone to restoring the fishes and fisheries of the Klamath River. A stakeholder based agreement is more likely to get us there than anything else. The times are changing. Can we evolve with the changes?” –Brian D. Tripp

From the Spawning Ground – poem and songs by Brian D. Tripp from Thomas B. Dunklin on Vimeo.