a play for children
Prelude: This is the story of a Tragedy averted. Mouldilocks, a greedy developer, has built a Restaurant-Hotel-Parking lot and concessionaire combination in prime Grizzly Bear Habitat in Yellowstone. Called “Grant Village”, this steel, glass, cement and gasoline intrusion becomes the Stage for our opening scene.
Act I
Scene: The parking lot
Mouldilocks: “Ah, what a beautiful sight! I can almost hear the quarters dropping into the slots in the video games. The snack bar must be doing great business—the lot is littered with Twinkie wrappers. That reminds me—I’ve got to order another two gross of Twinkies. And two gross of Hostess Cupcakes. And two gross…”
(Just then, the 3 Bears amble or stroll up.)
1st Bear: “Hey, what’s this? I thought I left a nice little trout stream here.”
2nd Bear: “Me too! Is this supposed to be some kind of joke?”
3rd Bear: “If it’s a joke, it’s in poor taste.”
1st Bear: “Hey, isn’t that a human over there? This looks suspiciously like human’s work to me.”
Mouldilocks: “And two gross pink Hostess Snowballs. And two gross…”
3rd Bear: “Hey! Let’s ask him. Pardon me, sir.”
Mouldilocks: “And two gross… What? Hey, bears can’t talk!”
3rd Bear: “I beg your pardon.”
1st Bear: “I think we’ve been quite eloquent.”
2nd Bear: “Right on!”
Mouldilocks: “At least, I never knew any to.”
3rd Bear: “That’s because we never cared to.”
2nd Bear: “Right on!”
1st Bear: “That’s such a cliché.”
2nd Bear: “But appropriate.”
3rd Bear: “Anyway, would you mind telling us where our trout stream is?”
1st Bear: “Such a nice trout stream.”
2nd Bear: “And so full of nice, fat trout!”
1st Bear: “You didn’t say Right on! that time.”
2nd Bear: “Didn’t need to. It’d already been said.”
1st Bear: “Anyway…didn’t you hear us? Perhaps if I spoke up a little.” (raises voice) “SO WHERE’S OUR TROUT STREAM?”
Mouldilocks (standing “his” ground): “Trout stream? Was there a trout stream here?”
3rd Bear: “Sure was.”
2nd Bear: “Uh-huh.”
Mouldilocks: “Well, I don’t know about trout STREAMS, but you can get a nice trout dinner right in the Grant Village Restaurant. Fried. Real Tasty. Comes with a small salad and a beverage of your choice.”
3rd Bear: “What’s a beverage?”
2nd Bear: “Don’t listen to him. He’s putting us on.”
1st Bear: “We demand our rights!”
Mouldilocks: “Rights? Bears don’t have any rights—it says so right here in the Wilderness Act.” (whips out paper)
3rd Bear: “Is that true?”
Mouldilocks: “Read for yourself.”
(3rd Bear grabs paper and reads. Then she begins shaking her brown, hairy head.)
3rd Bear: “It’s true! I don’t believe it!”
2nd Bear (hind leg impatiently pawing dust): “I wouldn’t believe anything I got from that man.”
1st Bear: “He’s right!”
2nd Bear: “Who, him?”
1st Bear: “No, you are.”
3rd Bear (interrupting) : “But it’s true! It says so right here: THE WILDERNESS ACT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Bears don’t have any rights.”
1st Bear: “In those exact words?”
3rd Bear: “Well, it’s a paraphrase.”
2nd Bear: “I don’t believe in the United States of America anyway. The United States of the Wilderness is the country I belong to.”
1st Bear: “Hear hear.”
2nd Bear: “You didn’t say right on.”
1st Bear: “Right on.”
3rd Bear: “Come on guys, this is serious. Say, what’s-your-name…”
Mouldilocks: “The name is Mouldilocks.”
3rd Bear: “Mr. Mouldilocks—would you excuse us a minute?”
Mouldilocks: “I’d excuse you a year if you wanted it.”
3rd Bear: “No thanks. A minute will do.”
(walking a little way off)
2nd Bear: “What chutzpah!”
1st Bear: “I don’t like that guy.”
3rd Bear: “This is serious, guys. We’ve got to plan something.”
1st Bear: “But what?”
2nd Bear: “You should know. You’re our spokesman.”
1st Bear: “Bears don’t have spokesmen.”
2nd Bear: “I’ll be spokesman, then. As long as lack of experience is no objection.”
3rd Bear: “But what’ll we do? Really.”
2nd Bear: “I’ll think of something.”
(strolls over to Mouldilocks)
2nd Bear: “Pardon me sir—we’d like some information. When did this—thing—go up?”
Mouldilocks: “Just about a year and a half ago. I remember the day. Why, groundbreaking was just 6 months earlier. The bulldozers all worked like beavers—“
3rd Bear: “Beavers?”
Mouldilocks: “Figuratively speaking.—And it went up in 6 months.”
2nd Bear: “I told you we should check our habitat more often. Look what happened to Fishing Bridge.”
Mouldilocks: “What’s that about Fishing Bridge?”
2nd Bear: “Prime Griz habitat. Now there’s an RV park there.”
Mouldilocks: “Ah, yes. Not very profitable, RV parks. THIS is more profitable.” (waves his hand)
2nd Bear (disgusted): “So I see. But, pray tell, what have you to do with it?”
Mouldilocks (a note of pride in his voice): “I own it!”
3 Bears (incredulously): “Own it?”
Mouldilocks (continuing): “Yes, I own it. Every money-making, food-frying, gas-selling, room-renting, TV-blaring, video-gaming inch of it! It’s the most profitable thing I’ve ever built. I figure I’ll make back my expenditures in 3 years and after that it’s pure gravy—well, just a little under the table to the Park Service, now and then.”
3rd Bear: “I’m horrified!”
1st Bear: “Me too.”
2nd Bear: “You should be ashamed!”
Mouldilocks: “Wha.. what? Ashamed? Of this noble enterprise? This—convenience—for the public tourist? The weary citizen who wants to enjoy his National Park in the style to which he is accustomed?”
2nd Bear: “But what about us bears?”
Mouldilocks: “What bears? Oh, you… Well, let me tell you—bears are part of the Experience.”
2nd Bear: “We’re an Experience, now.”
1st Bear: “I told you. It isn’t easy being a spokesbear.”
2nd Bear: “It’s a thankless task.”
Mouldilocks: “I mean, if you would go away we’d miss you.”
2nd Bear: “But not by much.”
Mouldilocks: “We’d all be sorrier.”
2nd Bear: “I’ll bet.”
Mouldilocks: “But that’s business.”
3rd Bear (to 2nd Bear): “I told you he was a pig.”
2nd Bear: “Not in those words.”
3rd Bear: “In other words, then.”
2nd Bear (to Mouldilocks): “But you’re supposed to have bears… what am I saying?”
1st Bear: “That’s right—what are you saying?”
3rd Bear (to 2nd Bear): “Now you’ve done it.”
2nd Bear (to 3rd Bear): “Maybe not.”
(to Mouldilocks): “What I mean is, bears have always lived in Yellowstone. You’re the newcomers.”
3rd Bear: “Tourists!”
1st Bear: “Pigs!”
Mouldilocks: “Let’s not get nasty. I have a perfect right to be here.”
2nd Bear: “Perfect isn’t the word for it.”
Mouldilocks: “I have permission from the Park Service.”
3 Bears: “What???”
Mouldilocks: “And from the U.S. Government.” (whips out paper. reads):
“‘Be it hereby resolved, Tenant (known as Mouldilocks) shall have the standard 99 year lease granted in such places in accordance with our laws and the highest ideals of the ownership of private property. He is hereby granted the right to exercise the usual powers of dominion, not withstanding this is a National Park, and to exclude or refuse service to anyone.’ That includes bears.”
3rd Bear: “How awful!”
1st Bear: “We’ll fight!”
2nd Bear: “You’ll be hearing from our lawyer!”
Mouldilocks: “What fools these ursines be!”
(also exits)
Scene: The woods
3rd Bear: “What a stinker!”
2nd Bear: “I agree.”
1st Bear: “But what do we do?”
2nd Bear: “Well, we haven’t any lawyer—that’s for sure.”
1st Bear: “I’m not even sure we have standing in the courts.”
3rd Bear: “Standing? What’s Standing?”
2nd Bear: “It means you can sue. And we can’t.”
3rd Bear: “Oh.”
2nd Bear: “But that doesn’t mean we give up.”
1st Bear: “I’m glad you said that.”
2nd Bear: “Had to. It’s my job.”
3rd Bear: “What job?”
2nd Bear: “Facilitator. Spokesbear. You name it.”
3rd Bear: “How about lunchfinder?”
1st Bear: “How about honeygrubber?”
3rd Bear: “How about it?”
2nd Bear: “Well, since you put it that way… Race you to the old dead tree!”
(all race off)
(Mouldilocks wanders on stage, singing)
Mouldilocks: “Hi ho, hi ho—it’s to the woods I go. I absolutely don’t belong, but hi, hi ho.”
(speaks) “What a wonderful afternoon. Those bears were beginning to rain on my parade. Luckily I got rid of them.”
(Hears a rustle in the bushes.)
“Whoops! what’s that? Oh, just a squirrel—gave me quite a start. Well, where was I? Ah, yes—money money money. Today’s the start of the tourist season, and already 500 Winnebagos have rolled in and out of Grant Village. 500 Winnebagos discharged their beer-gut carrying, insensitive macho males, their overly madeup, overly dressed bored females, and their screaming, candy bar- and sodapop-buying kids. I love it!”
(Another rustle. This time the 3 bears appear.)
3 Bears: “Uh!”
Mouldilocks: “Oh—it’s you.”
2nd Bear: “I was about to say the same thing.”
3rd Bear: “What a bring-down.”
2nd Bear: “You can say that again.”
3rd Bear: “I would, but that’s your job.”
2nd Bear: “Right.” (to Mouldilocks) “Say, how do you happen to be—pardon the expression—in this neck of the woods?”
3rd Bear (worried): “You weren’t planning any… expansions, were you?”
2nd Bear: “Don’t give him any ideas.”
Mouldilocks: “Expansions? No—I just came out here for the solitude. And peace. And to count my money.”
2nd Bear: “To count his money!” (to Mouldilocks) “Say, don’t you think the solitude and the peace are more important?”
Mouldilocks: “Well, they’re important…”
3rd Bear: “Right on!”
2nd Bear (to 3rd Bear): “Now you’re saying it.”
Mouldilocks: “I didn’t say MORE important.”
3rd Bear (flustered): “Oh.”
2nd Bear (continuing): “Tell us—why did you REALLY come here?”
Mouldilocks (nervously): “To this spot? Now?”
2nd Bear: “No—to Yellowstone.”
Mouldilocks (brightening): “Well, it’s because of a vision…”
3rd Bear: “A vision!”
Mouldilocks: “a dream I had…”
3rd Bear: “He had a dream!”
2nd Bear: “That’s nothing! We all have dreams.”
Mouldilocks: “Of a thousand Winnebagos, all parked side by side, and an Olympic size swimming pool, and a peanut pool for the kids, and a satellite dish for improved TV reception, and an icecream parlor, a bookstore, a video game center, a beauty parlor, a barber shop, a ski outfitter, 2 gas stations, a restaurant, a…”
3 Bears: “HOLD IT!”
Mouldilocks: “a… a… What?”
2nd Bear: “We said hold it.”
3rd Bear: “That’s right.”
1st Bear: “Don’t let him give you any guff.”
Mouldilocks: “But my dear sir…”
1st Bear: “You’d better say sir.”
3rd Bear: “Right on!”
2nd Bear: “Catching, isn’t it?”
Mouldilocks: “What I mean is, I came out here for the industry…”
2nd Bear: “Industry is right.”
Mouldilocks: “and the enjoyment”
3rd Bear: “What a way to enjoy yourself: watching TV.”
Mouldilocks: “of the tourist population.”
2nd Bear: “He means he came to make bucks.”
3rd Bear: “I wouldn’t have guessed.”
Mouldilocks (finishing): “Anyway, somebody had to do it.”
(long pause) “I do appreciate this place.”
(another pause) “I mean, I love it.”
2nd Bear: “If you love it, why are you destroying it?”
1st Bear: “Yeah, why?”
3rd Bear: “Why?”
Mouldilocks: “I really can’t help myself.”
3 Bears: “He can’t help himself!”
Mouldilocks: “It’s just the job I’m in.”
2nd Bear: “That does it! I’m for eating him right now!”
1st Bear: “Me too!”
3rd Bear: “Yeah!”
Mouldilocks: “Wait a minute. Let’s not get hasty.”
2nd Bear: “Who’s hasty? We’re just hungry!”
1st Bear: “Charge!”
(All rush at Mouldilocks, who runs off with Bears in hot pursuit.)
Scene: The restaurant plaza in Grant Village. 2 customers are at a table.
(Mouldilocks rushes in)
Mouldilocks: “Help! Help!”
1st Customer (not seeing Mouldilocks at first): “Did you hear something?”
2nd Customer (also not seeing): “I’m not sure.”
Mouldilocks: “I’m being attacked!”
1st Customer: “Why, hello there.”
2nd Customer: “Care to join us?”
Mouldilocks: “Attacked by bears!” (he falls down)
(3 bears rush on scene.)
2nd Bear: “Let’s eat ‘em now!”
1st Bear: “Where’s the mustard?”
3rd Bear: “Here’s some!” (Grabs jar from a nearby table. One customer faints. The other screams, then flees. General confusion as Mouldilocks tries to escape by crawling under tables. Knocking down of tables, napkins and silverware on floor, salt and pepper shakers scattered.)
Mouldilocks: “Boo hoo! Don’t eat me!”
2nd Bear: “He wants sympathy.”
Mouldilocks: “My mother wouldn’t approve!”
1st Bear: “Well, would she approve of this?” (Sweeping more glass off a table. It breaks as it hits the tile.)
Mouldilocks: “No, not really.”
2nd Bear: “Now that’s sensible.”
3rd Bear: “Can’t say it runs in the family, though.”
Mouldilocks: “When I was just a boy…”
1st Bear: “Eat! Eat! Eat!”
2nd Bear: “Hold on—let him finish.”
Mouldilocks: “my father used to take me…”
3rd Bear: “Have some mustard.”
Mouldilocks: “fishing. What are you doing?”
3rd Bear: “Applying mustard.”
1st Bear: “So you’ll taste better.”
Moudilocks (again): “Boo hoo!”
1st Bear: “We’ve been through that before.”
2nd Bear: “Wait a minute—did you say fishing?”
Mouldilocks: “Yes. In Yellowstone.”
2nd Bear: “What a coincidence! So did mine.”
3rd Bear: “Mine too.”
1st Bear: “Well, I don’t know…”
3rd Bear (to 1st Bear) : “Know what?”
1st Bear: “I still say we should eat him now.”
3rd Bear: “But he said he went fishing!”
1st Bear: “That’s right—play on our sympathies a moment, then sneak off to do his dirty work.”
2nd Bear: “Guys! Guys!”
3rd Bear: “Fellows, to you.”
2nd Bear: “I say we should listen up.”
1st Bear: “And I say we should put him out of his misery.”
3rd Bear: “Put him out of our misery, you mean.”
2nd Bear: “I don’t mean give in. I just mean listen.”
3rd Bear: “What do you mean?”
1st Bear: “Are you crazy?”
2nd Bear: “The way it sounds to me, he’s just ripe for a conversion.”
3rd Bear: “Past ripe!”
1st Bear: “Rotten!”
2nd Bear: “No—I mean it. Listen—did you elect me spokesbear or not?”
1st Bear: “I didn’t.”
3rd Bear: “Nor did I.”
2nd Bear: “But you let me take it on myself.”
1st Bear: “Well…”
2nd Bear: “And do all the work.”
3rd Bear: “Well…”
2nd Bear: “Public speaking isn’t easy.”
Mouldilocks: “Listen. Will you make up your minds? Am I going to be eaten or not?”
2nd Bear: “We’re coming to that.” (turning) “Now, if you elected me…”
3rd Bear: “You elected yourself.”
1st Bear: “That’s right!”
2nd Bear: “O.K. So I elected myself. Anyway…”
1st Bear: “And you shouldn’t butt in.”
3rd Bear: “I’m hungry.”
2nd Bear (shrugging his shoulders and turning to Mouldilocks) : “Well, I tried.”
Mouldilocks: “Help! Help! Oh momma, save me!”
3rd Bear: “He has a momma!”
2nd Bear: “Just like you, I’m afraid.”
3rd Bear: “And he went fishing.”
2nd Bear: “Just like we all did. When he was a cub.”
1st Bear: “They call them boys.”
2nd Bear: “Boys—cubs—what difference?”
3rd Bear: “Right! What difference?”
2nd Bear: “You’re being reasonable again.”
3rd Bear: “Well… I don’t know what came over me.”
2nd Bear: “Listen… I’ve got an idea…”
1st and 3rd Bears: “What is it?”
2nd Bear: “Let’s make him pay some sort of fine…”
1st Bear: “That’s not enough!”
2nd Bear: “a forfeit, you know…”
1st Bear: “Still not enough!”
2nd Bear: “And tear down Grant Village!”
Mouldilocks: “Anything! Anything!”
3rd Bear: “What???”
1st Bear: “Don’t trust him—he’s lying.”
Mouldilocks (indignant): “No I’m not!”
1st Bear: “He’d sell his own mother.”
Mouldilocks: “Eat me now, then. I love my mother.”
2nd Bear (to others) : “Gentlemen, gentlemen. I think things are swinging in our favor. Just a moment.” (turns to face Mouldilocks) “Do you promise, then, to tear down Grant Village?”
Mouldilocks: “Oh, anything!”
2nd Bear: “We want it in writing.”
Mouldilocks: “Oh.”
2nd Bear: “And one more thing—you have to pay a forfeit.”
Mouldilocks: “I don’t want to pay anything.”
2nd Bear: “It’s that or your life.”
Mouldilocks: “I’ll pay! I’ll pay!” (pauses) “What is it?”
2nd Bear: “Fishing Bridge!”
1st Bear: “Capital idea!”
3rd Bear: “Wow!”
Mouldilocks: “Don’t be absurd! There already is a Fishing Bridge.”
2nd Bear: “We want you to tear it down.”
Mouldilocks: “What??? Tear it down? I never heard of such a thing! Tear down an RV park? It’s impossible. It’s never been done!”
1st Bear: “It’s that or your life.”
2nd Bear: “You do own Fishing Bridge, don’t you?”
Mouldilocks: “No, not really. It’s owned by the Park Service.”
2nd Bear: “Then use your influence.”
Mouldilocks: “Who, me? Influence? You must have me mistaken for someone else.”
2nd Bear: “I was wrong. Let’s eat him now.”
Mouldilocks: “I’ll use it! I’ll use it!”
2nd Bear: “You’ll put it in writing, then?”
Mouldilocks: “Anything!”
1st Bear: “Or you’ll be a Lockburger!”
3rd Bear: “Right on!”
The End
Postlude: The sad story of Fishing Bridge and Grant Village goes on today. When will we give the bears a chance to live their life the way Nature intended?
Earth First!
Date: July 19, 2012
Categories: Inspiring Voices