Thursday, 6 of February of 2025

Warriorpoet Editors Meet Up With Gary Snyder


Just came back from listening to Gary Snyder give a lecture on translating poetry. It was fascinating both in the nuts and bolts of how he does it but also full of anecdotes about the work and people he knew. We are hoping there will be an audio or video of the lecture to share with you all.

After the talk, there was a cocktail reception and a long line of friends and well-wishers waiting to spend a moment with him. (“Fan” is too coarse a word for a person who appreciates Gary Snyder) He listened to each of us, laughed and smiled and posed for pictures and signed every autograph.

As soon as he saw Dennis, he said he liked ArmedWithVisions! So all of you who are reading this now are in good company.

–Kenn Fong