Sound Cloud Voice Maura Mcgovern
One of the most articulate poem-reading voices on Sound Cloud is Maura Mcgovern.
She not only has a great voice, she pays attention to to the newest in Web technologies. Many months, if not years before the mainstream is using the latest Web tech, Maura has already been using it…
Here’s to Maura as a Warrior Poet… We hope she contributes to our cause often!
Of course many others are offering opportunities for her voice as well. Probably too many opportunities to keep up with?
This is what Sound Cloud is all about!!!
Meanwhile: Here’s a quote she posted on her blog recently…
“If for a moment you are inclined to regard these taluses as mere draggled, chaotic dumps, climb to the top of one of them, and run down without any haggling, puttering hesitation, boldly jumping from boulder to boulder with even speed. You will then find your feet playing a tune, and quickly discover the music and poetry of these magnificent rock piles — a fine lesson; and all nature’s wildness tells the same story — the shocks and outbursts of earthquakes, volcanoes, geysers, roaring, thundering waves and floods, the silent uprush of sap in plants, storms of every sort — each and all are the orderly beauty-making love-beats of nature’s heart.”
— John Muir
Date: August 16, 2011
Categories: Inspiring Voices